On the day dedicated to Local Councils, the Mellieha Local Council has shown its appreciation to Din l-Art Helwa, for their efforts and work currently being carried out on the white tower project in Armier.
After the government handed over The White Tower at l-Ahrax tal-Mellieha, to the Mellieha Local Council, the latter teamed up with Din l-Art Helwa to turn this historic structure as a museum. The tower, located on the Marfa Ridge facing Gozo, was part of Grand Master De Redin’s fortification strategy against attackers.
The tower was erected on the top of a rocky hill under which is a small bay. Protected flora, in particular the Pancratium maritimum, is found on the beach. The sand dunes are home to an endemic habitat and one of the very few remaining examples in the Maltese Islands. They are the last known home for a number of highly restricted species, such as the spiny echinophore (busbies xewwieki tar-ramel) and the purple spurge (gemmugha tar-ramel).